Rantings and Ravings
Rants and Ravings

Anything that's eating away at my mind, I'll make a big speech about and put it here. It doesn't have to be videogame related, and it will often be an unpopular view, but that's what makes rantings interesting. Anyone can submit a ranting about anything, it can be a positive or negative posting about anything you want to address. Also, you can email me your reply to one of the ranting and ravings up here and I'll add on to the page with your comments. Any additions email to jtw030283@hotmail.com.

  • Anti-smoking campaigns
    Here are my thoughts on some of the good, informative anti-smoking organizations and some of the low-down rotten ones.

  • My old site, a proper eulogy
    I reminisce about Porygonalphas World of Nintendo and how Homestead sucks for changing everything.

  • The Future of Gaming
    Here I yap about my outlook for things to come in the industry, and my philosophy behind the sudden demand for classic game remakes.

  • Konami vs. the World
    A ranting about how Konami doesn't get the respect it deserves, while overrated companies like Square and Capcom get all the praise. Also about what makes a game worthwhile to me.

  • I HATE KONAMI!!!, by Flying Omelette
    A site submission, OMG!! Actually I asked FO if I could use this, and she graciously let me. This is a post FO made at the Game Pond just hours after I created the pro-konami rant above this, and I thought this posting was a reply to my rant, but it turns out she hadn't even seen my page yet. Pretty strange coincidence, because it appears to be a direct reply to that ranting. Obviously, this is a drastically different opinion than mine, but we can all respect one anothers opinions around here :)

  • A Little Insight Into the Site
    This will answer a few of the questions you may have about my site, and my plans for the top 100 games list. Worth a look if you're curious.

  • Why My Site is the Way it is
    This is a ranting explaining why this site is not an NES site or a site that only covers the newest systems.

  • Should Videogames be Considered Art?
    This ranting takes a look into the question.

  • Main Page

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