Poll Results

Poll #1

The first poll was a 3 question survey asking some questions that had to do with the design and sections of my site.

Running Time: 3/2/00-3/8/00


Question #1: How do you like my site so far?

Great! (5)
It's very good (6)
It's alright (0)
Could use a few improvements (0)
It sucks! (0)
The worst site I've ever seen (1)
Total Selections = 12

Question #2: Which section is your favorite?

Reviews (2)
Previews (0)
Rantings and Ravings (8)
Forums (0)
Features (0)
Total Selections = 10

Question #3: If you could choose one section to be added, what would it be?

Fanfictions (2)
Game News (1)

My Games List (5)
Shrine to Cheese (3)

Total Selections = 11


OREOS R NASTEE!; 3/7/00 5:54:43 PM
"'Tha' Gameplayer's retreat"? I hope that spelling of "The" is a typo!; 3/7/00 1:56:55 AM
...games list, since that's actually related to videogames; 3/7/00 1:54:46 AM
Wake up to reality, there are shrines to cheese all over the net. He might as well add his... 3/7/00 1:54:13 AM
..groups, it's about time we took a stand! 3/2/00 8:14:36 PM
It's about time someone made a shrine to cheese, cheese is the underappreciated minority of the food 3/2/00 8:14:02 PM

My thoughts

I was surprised at how the poll turned out towards the end. The "which section should I add" question was the most split up one, for a long time a games list got no votes, then on the last day it pulled ahead. I was also surprised to see the rantings get way more votes than the game reviews, I put a lot of hard work into a review while a ranting is basically me saying what I'm thinking at that time. The first vote for "how do you like my site" was that guy who said it's the worst he's ever seen, so I got scared that might be the selection that got the most votes.

More polls coming in the future

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