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Message of the moment: I'm taking a break from updating the site for the time being until some things are straightened out. Sorry. It's not like there's a whole lot of regulars anyway :P

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  • Tired of powderpuff gaming sites that will back a game depending on how popular it is or who the publisher is? How about biased publications that completely ignore the big picture of the game industry? Do you want to see older games from the golden age of gaming incorporated with the newest games in one website? You've come to the right place, consider this... your retreat. Here you will see a reflective viewpoint of the gaming world stemming from the days of the NES, but unlike most NES sites, still appreciate the SNES, N64 and PSX.


    (3/5/00) Finally! I haven't been able to get into the login screen to work on the site all day, and most of yesterday. Not much has been added since last time because of this. I added a Super Punchout review, and a new ranting, that has a lot to do with Nsider and EZboard, and is the longest ranting so far, it's even bigger than my 10 KB Super Punchout review. Bugforest has said he is going to link it from his page, so hopefully that will bring a few hits my way. Other than that, I made some overall touch-ups, I fixed the reviews table to where it is a lot more organized. I've been debating on whether or not to add frames to the site, as I now know how to. I may just make a frames version and a no frames version. I've also been hard at work on a new feature, but I'm not giving any details about what it is until it is ready to be seen, it will be a while before it goes online. Now that I can log in again I'm ready to add some more stuff to the site! I'll be seein' ya. Oh yeah, I'm also glad to say that my hits per day are going up, before this I got about 30 hits a day while just today I got 40, and the day isn't over with.

    (3/4/00) Just thought I'd make an announcement while I have the time to. Since last time, a few things have changed. I made that table at the top of the page, with a new banner I made and a "message of the moment", that will tell you what's happening with the site, usually it has the last thing added. As a result, announcements may be made further apart in the future as I can use that space to tell you what's happening. Other than that, there are 2 more reviews since last time, and a new ranting. The reviews are for Super Punchout and Super Mario RPG and are both worth checking out. My ranting is about why this site is the way it is, and not an NES site nor a run-of-the-mill N64/PSX site. Overall I'm liking the way my site is turning out, I already have it linked to some really good sites such as the Nformant. There's only one problem with the site, it now has pop-up ads even though I asked for a banner instead. Oh well, I suggest keeping the pop-ups minimized while you view the site, that way you don't have to close it every time you visit a different page. See ya next time.

    (3/2/00) I figured I should make an announcement with all of the great things I've added since the last one. I've added tons of stuff today, off the top of my head, theres new reviews for The Legend of Kage (I highly recommend you check that one out) and Warhawk, there's many new rantings and ravings. A preview for Zelda: Mask of Mujula as well worth seeing. I know there's more than that, but I'm dead tired right now and can't think straight.

    I'm seriously considering putting up the time of day that I make these announcements, since I update frequently, everyday. That last announcement I made was created at 11:59 p.m., so it was much like a 3/2 announcement.

    I actually was getting a lot more hits before I advertised the site than I did today, for some unknown reason. I guess I'm beginning to be pushed back by the search engines. Just before today the site had about 170 hits, and now it has roughly 210 last time I checked. 9 hits are accounted for by me. Still, 30 hits isn't bad at all for my first day, but I was getting a lot more hits a few days ago when there was nothing on the site.

    As you probably know it's my birthday, and I'm glad to say it's shaping up to be one of the best birthdays I can remember. I unvieled my new website, got a wad of cash, all the foods I want but never get, and a happy birthday post at the Game Pond. Now the only problem is choosing something to buy:) I'm looking at either Rayman 2 or a NGPC right now. This may be the final time I make any changes to the site for the night, but I wouldn't count on it, I haven't been able to pull myself away from my comp all night. Now I'm going to fix a problem with text colors in a few of the rantings and may be back later.

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